HaLong Street House

The Project consists of construction of a single 3 storey development within the River Valley Estate at 10 Halong Drive, Sunshine North. This dwelling consists of 4 bedrooms, generous open plan living spaces, enclosed internal voids and a flexible internal arrangement allowing a range of living scenarios.

The proposed dwelling is particularly small in nature and is a reflection on the modest requirements of the owner. It is, however, elegantly detailed, contemporary in appearance, and contributes positively to the streetscape. It reflects the overwhelming pattern of the neighbourhood and is respectful of amenity, both internally and externally. A key manifestation of this is in the deliberately and aggressively angled roof/wall that adjoins the balcony, which retains north light to the existing dwelling to the South East. This wall doubles as an opportunity for storage and study spaces, and becomes a key feature in the dwelling.

The project employs a combination of formal gestures enhanced by material articulation. A cantilevered timber box – a living space and retreat – is embedded in a “lean to” steel shed that falls with the site’s natural ground level. Smaller masonry forms are embedded between and dotted around these other components – a reference to typical ground floor masonry construction seen in estate development, but with a contemporary twist in that they are located almost randomly and built in stack bond configuration. A striking set of red sheer walls bisects the entire length of the dwelling, marking entry, exit and circulation in 1. The living spaces, or wing, located on the North Eastern side of the dwelling form 2 metallic towers, symbolic standing and sitting forms with generous natural light and intrinsically intertwined with one another.

The project is also aware of its context, taking advantage of the views and light afforded to it and careful to integrate native planting and careful fencing throughout.



Phat Nguyen & Edmund Carter




Melbourne, 2012-2014