River Street Houses

This development is involved demolition of an existing double storey dwelling at 33 River Street and the construction of 3 attached dwellings with associated driveway and landscaping work. It is a development that is considered to be appropriate to the lot, generous in terms of size, space, amenity and access, and well contextualised to the suburb of Maribyrnong and the immediate local context

The project comprises 2 Eastern aligned crossovers/driveways (1 x double) that gives vehicular access to integrated and hidden lock up garages. Pedestrian access is from the Eastern and Northern streets (Rowe and River Street respectively) via modest and easily maintained front gardens. The ground floors of the dwellings constitute open plan living, dining and kitchen spaces whilst upstairs are bedrooms and (in some cases) retreats that may double as studies. The Northern most dwelling, taking account of its proximity to the corner, the adjacent public transport point of presence, and its minimal effect on amenity to adjacent dwellings, is 3 storeys in height with a roof deck and semi-enclosed retreat space.

The buildings are designed such that they form a reflection of the simple materials that adorn dwellings nearby. They are constructed of brick, steel and timber, and employ a modest colour palette. In essence they are complimentary to the surrounds without seeking to imitate. The proposition is one that considers, acknowledges and references its neighbourhood character. The response is a modest, robust and highly considered architectural outcome. It recognises the requirement for quality building and respects the local context both environmentally and socially.



Phat Nguyen & Edmund Carter




Melbourne, 2012-2014