Federal Street Houses

This development is involved demolition of parts of the existing dwelling at 19 Federal Street, internal reconfiguration of this dwelling, and reinstatement and adjustment of the building to account for an additional dwelling on the lot. This additional dwelling is to be a 2 storey, 2 bedrooms dwelling with living, dining, study and integrated garage on ground floor, and 2 modest bedrooms above.

The proposed dwelling is particularly small in nature and is a reflection on the modest requirements of the owner. It is, however, elegantly detailed, contemporary in appearance, and contributes positively to the streetscape. It reflects the overwhelming pattern of the neighbourhood and is respectful of amenity, both internally and externally. A key manifestation of this is in the deliberately and aggressively angled roof/wall that adjoins the balcony, which retains north light to the existing dwelling to the South East. This wall doubles as an opportunity for storage and study spaces, and becomes a key feature in the dwelling.

The buildings are simply and deliberately designed to be modest in form and to leverage off existing suburban building stock in terms of their material articulation. The red steel roof is mimicry of the existing dwelling, but is wrapped around the dwelling and accented with a contemporary shiplap timber. Whilst small, the proposed development is designed to be of high quality, both in its cladding and in its internal spaces and layout. A highly considered architectural outcome can bring both balance and excitement to the streetscape, and form a rewarding place to live.


Phat Nguyen & Edmund Carter




Melbourne, 2012-2014